I took the quiz "what's wrong with you" on Facebook seriously
I though the result would be something crazy like "fxxking idiot," "kinky inside."
To my surprise, comparing to the crazy questions, the result was way too serious.
And...its abso-fxxking-lutely right!! Here is the result:

Result: Too Friendly

You're very open with people, which is great, but sometimes those people are wearing brass knuckles, which is not great.

You tend to think that people are generally good at heart, and because of that, you're very trusting. People are drawn to your positive attitude and you tend to make friends easily. (You might also be a little vain, but hey, who could blame you? You're a good-looking individual, and you have a right to be a little cocky about it.)

So where could you go wrong? Well, if you're too friendly, you might not be on alert for those folks you really shouldn't trust. So try to use more caution when you meet new people. And quit trading gym socks with strangers. That's just plain gross.

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